The Practice

We are a family run dental practice, owned and managed by Nicola Bone and her husband Bob Seymour. Nicola qualified from the University of Birmingham Dental School in 1990 and has completed a 3 year diploma in postgraduate dental studies at Bristol University.


Dr Nicola Bone                    BDS, DPDS (Eng)                                      Clinical Director  GDC No 65890

Mei-An Hoe                           BDS (Eng)                                               Associate dentist  GDC No 178989

Jess Flower                      BSc Dental Hyg/Therapy                     Dental Therpist

Angela Chapman          BSc Dental Hyg/Therapy                       Dental Therpist

Trudi Newman                                                                                                     Dental Nurse                                   GDC No 113567

Sophia Coriah                                                                                                     Front of House

Ellie Bridges                                                                                                       Trainee Dental Nurse

Bob Seymour                                                                                                    Practice Manager


We are sensitive to the needs of patients with disabilities and have endeavoured to provide the best facilities within the confines of an old building. We are able to see patients in Surgery 2 for most treatments but not all, currently there are a flight of 4 stairs preventing  full all ability access to the  upper surgery and the disabled access toilet.


After your examination or assessment you will be given a fully itemised treatment plan and estimate. This also outlines appointment times and shows the costs per visit.

We are fortunate, at the practice, to have a hygienist who will carry out dental hygiene and periodontal treatments.

Patients requiring, sedation or other specialist care will be referred to colleagues locally.


It is our policy to ask for payment at the end of each visit. We accept cheques, cash and the major credit and debit cards. If you wish to discuss alternative arrangements, please contact the Practice Manager before starting your course of dental treatment.


We also want your visit to be as safe as possible. To this end we follow the highest standards of cross-infection control with state of the art disinfection and sterilisation equipment. Our practice health and safety and cross-infection policies are available to view at reception.


Because we believe good communications are essential, we will endeavour to keep you informed about any changes to our policies or the way we manage the Practice. We do appreciate your opinion regarding the way we run the Practice and would like to know in any way you feel we could improve our service to you. In the future we will be implementing regular patient surveys to enable you to provide us with valuable feedback.


We observe complete patient confidentiality at all times and comply with the Data Protection Act to maintain the security of your computerised records.   Our Confidentiality Policy and our data security policy is on display at reception, or you can view a copy of them here (security)   and here (Protection) We are registered with the information commissioners office (number Z1852075) and you can see our registration online buy searing that number at the  ICO webiste   Additionally we are compliant with the PCI DDS (self regulating security protocall relating to the use of card machines).  A copy of our privacy notice can be seen here


Should there be an occasion when we fall short of our own high standards, please let us know and we will do everything we can to rectify the situation. You can view a copy of the complaints procedure here.  the  full procedure for handling complaints is also on display in the reception area. For further information about complaints please see the GDC website


Please advise us as soon as possible if you are unable to keep an appointment. We do normally make a charge for late or non-attendance and for cancelations where we have less than 48 hours notice. To help you remember your appointments we can call you to confirm them and email you the day before your appointment.


If you are in pain, we will try to offer you an emergency assessment on the same day, during busy periods we will still try our best to see you on the same day although priority will be given to existing regularly attending patients of the practice .  Patients with other dental problems will also be seen as soon as possible. We refer all out of hours patients to a private dental practice that covers emergencies only for  evenings weekends and holidays, you can read about them here: 

The number for registered patients of The Natural Smile to call to reach this out of hours service is 03301 759 995 .  If you are a member of the payment plan then you may be able to claim emergency fees back . 

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, and therefore licensed to provide services by the care quality commission. The information below tell you how we fared in our most recent CQC inspection.

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